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Bridging the gap between the vibrant workforce of India with the diverse industries of the Balkan Region in Europe.

We Connect the best Workforce & Labour with your business!

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Industrial Workers

Unlock top-tier, highly devoted industrial factory labourers through our specialized sourcing process, ensuring skilled and dedicated workers to elevate your production capabilities.

Construction Labour

We get you skilled and unskilled construction labourers seamlessly through our proven methods, enhancing your projects with dedicated workers ready to tackle any task.

Agricultural Labour

Discover dedicated agricultural workers for harvesting apples, grapes, peaches or other harvests from your farms. Our sourced labour ensures efficient picking to maximize your yield.

Farm Workers

Engage committed farm workers adept in activities like dairy operations, cheese production, and livestock management. Elevate your needs with our accomplished farm labour solutions.

Know More About Us

Our purpose is to deliver excellence in service and execution to you.

With a strong focus on providing reliable, skilled, and motivated labour, we specialize in catering to industries such as agroproducts, construction, fieldwork, and farming. Our mission is to not only meet your labour needs but to exceed your expectations by delivering excellence in every worker we provide.

Why You should Choose Us?

We provide sustainable solutions for all.

Tailored Solutions

Every industry has unique demands, and we recognize that. Our services are designed to cater to your specific needs. Whether you need a workforce for agroproducts, construction, field work, or farms, we provide customized solutions that align with your goals.

Seamless Integration

Bringing labour from India to North Macedonia shouldn't be a hassle. With our seamless integration process, we ensure that the transition is smooth and efficient. We handle the legal side, documents and logistics so you can focus on your core business activities.

What our Previous Clients say about us:

Some positive feedback!

"Exceptional labour sourced for our construction projects. Their expertise and dedication exceeded expectations, ensuring timely completion and top-notch quality."

Igor Arsovski

Construction Client

"Reliable farm workers provided, enhancing our harvest. Their commitment to efficiency and skillful handling of tasks significantly improved our yield."

Viktor Stojkovski

Farm Owner

"Impressive factory labourers recruited through them. The workers' skills boosted our production efficiency, leading to heightened output & production."

Andrej Cvetanovski

Factory Owner

Dedicated Customer Teams & An Agile Service

Individually assess your labour needs and Offer optimal solutions!